Sunday 12 June 2016

The best day so far

Today was probably the best day I've ever had with my kids. We played and talked, cooked and cleaned together. The boys did "regular boy things" in the yard like chasing each other with branches and play in the pool water, each copying the other. Both looked and acted very typical and appropriate. It's so strange to chronicle my children's lives in these terms. For example: "copying" "appropriate" typical". I do not see them as irregular or delayed, just children that are happy. Kane is learning new words somewhat seamlessly and now Jack enjoys repeating them, and vice versa. Today, unlike many days I have - I kept my inhibition at bay and let myself go into this sort of state that allowed, even encouraged me to be the coolest mom ever. The coolest mom ever consists of taking every single opportunity throughout the day and creating an adventure, project, task or creative opportunity. Sometimes it's a song, a doodle, help with dropping ingredients into the soup pot, or playing vampires or the Grudge before bed. (don't be scared, they love it) I learned today that they need me, all of me all the time if I expect all of them. I can't just go about my day and let them alone to theirs expecting to be bonded like I always dreamed of. I have a rare opportunity to create waterproof bonds with my kids because I'm with them 24/7. In the beginning after Kane was born almost three years ago, it was really tough. I had so, so many responsibilities outside of motherhood. I think I didn't know at all what to do, or even where to start with jack's speech delay - let alone his autism to be diagnosed later that year.

Summarily, what I give them, is what I get. If I give my whole heart to them, they will give me theirs.

Being a mother is the toughest, longest, scariest, most amazing "job" and without my guys I'd have no idea how awesome I really am.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Brotherly Love

Tears at bedtime, and not for the old reasons. Now, I'm the one crying. After getting Jack settled into his bed with a book, I tucked Kane in and tickled his face and ran my fingers over his hair (something Adrian does nearly every night). Kane fell asleep fast and all of a sudden Jack popped out of bed, came over to Kane and started comforting him too. Then, he started giving him kisses, said "goodnight Kane" and I burst into tears! Good thing for those darkening curtains, Jack doesn't quite grasp Mom's role in all this yet. I tucked him in after he planted 20 kisses all over Kane's face, knelt down and whispered that I was so proud of him --- and he looked right at me and said, "thank you".

Saturday 30 April 2016

Amazing Aunt Peggy

My message on Facebook to my wonderful, amazing Aunt Peggy:

Peggy, Jack and I love you so much! Thank you for your extremely generous donation to his speech therapy fund. I am so grateful and in awe of my beautiful family, I'll never forget it!

Friday 29 April 2016

A Generous Gift

Yesterday, shortly after I posted the first video showing Jack's progress through GoFundMe - I received a 250 euro donation anonymously. I cried for an hour. Seriously. Like a long, hard weeping cry. Wonderful, selfless people are out there. This person was an old schoolmate of mine from Minnesota - my hometown of Aitkin!
She has a big HAPPY family and I have to say, it makes me so proud to know her.
I just want to say this to her; I want you to know I THINK YOU ARE WONDERFUL. Your kindness is still making me I type this even.
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I hope some day we can meet up again and I can give you the BIGGEST hug because you are AWESOME! You believe in me and it's people like you that drive me to keep going, all my love to you and your gorgeous family!

Thursday 28 April 2016

Speech Therapy for Jack

Hello Everyone! Jack and I have been very busy working diligently on his speech using the tips and tools the therapists have put in place.
You will see the new confidence in his face, and his eyes. He has a new sparkle and it's all because of your generosity!
To clarify --- Jack didn't have more than 10 words (even echolalia, which is repeating) before Christmas last year-- only five short months ago! He was not potty trained and did not have any desire to be a part of a conversation, let alone show interest in playing, talking or being a part of our family. He has made a drastic, dramatic improvement in all these areas.
With the guidance of the therapist, we learned how to help Jack have the confidence and drive to potty train. He's not 100 percent there but definitely 70 percent of the way! I'm SO proud of him.
The hard part is the funding has run out now, and I want to continue this therapy and nurture his mind while we have such a good start.
If there is anything you can do, Jack and I really appreciate it. From the bottom of my heart, you all are making a huge difference in this little boy's life. I can't wait to tell him how this all happened - it seems like that day may be closer than I thought.
Jack and I love you all so much.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

A Reader

I love books, I LOVE to read. I have been waiting and waiting for Jack to enjoy a good storybook, but he never really has. At every attempt, he either left the room or said simply, "NO".
Well, last night all four of us snuggled in the big bed before sending the boys off to their own beds. I wanted to read Adrian the prologue of the "me time" book I've started, Thomas Harris' Hannibal Rising.
I began to read aloud and Jack made a little nest next to me. I continued to read......for an hour. Daddy and Kane left the room shortly after I began but Jack wanted to stay. He watched me read while repeating words he knew along the way. It took everything for me to hold in my tears, he was SO interested and listened closely to each sound I made.
Today, I am celebrating this progress! Love you, Jack!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Jack's Day

Today Jack's new speech was "house" when we pulled up to our home from getting groceries. That's a new one!  He also worked on the alphabet and numbers puzzles today quite a bit. He knew some of the letters either from memory or possibly he already knew them and didn't know how to articulate them yet? Amazing! We were working together on the alphabet puzzle and he suddenly said "aae-ch" and then again after he placed the letter "H" in its home. I was shocked. It was all by himself, all from out of no where. This feels like a new lease on life. I'm going to work even harder now, he's an amazing boy! I'm so lucky to be his mom!

Also, mission HAIRCUT 💇 was accomplished after school. He did pretty good, and even after being waken from a nap in the car. At first, he fought it a little on the way there but was better because of his Dad. Adrian knows just how to handle him in certain circumstances. I'm also so thankful for a great partner, I'd be gray and at my wits end without his help.